Original Abstract Artwork: A Comprehensive Guide

Original Abstract Artwork: A Comprehensive Guide

Original abstract artwork is a popular form of art that has been around for many years. It's a type of art that doesn't necessarily depict real objects or scenes but instead is focused on the artist's creative expression through the use of colors, shapes, and textures. In this guide, we'll provide answers to some common FAQs about original abstract artwork and provide some tips on how to care for it properly.


What is original abstract artwork?

Original abstract artwork is a form of art that is created without representing any recognizable objects or scenes. Instead, it relies on colors, shapes, and textures to create an emotional response from the viewer. It's a form of art that allows the artist to express themselves creatively, often using unconventional methods or materials.

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Who are some famous artists known for creating original abstract artwork?

There are many famous artists who have made a name for themselves through their original abstract artwork. Some notable examples include Wassily Kandinsky, one of my favorites, Jackson Pollock, also, Mark Rothko, and the great Pablo Picasso. Each of these artists had their unique style, which contributed to the development and evolution of abstract art as a whole.

How can I buy original abstract artwork?

If you're looking to purchase original abstract artwork, you've landed in the right place. You can purchase artwork from our online art gallery, each painting is handcrafted made originally from the artist. You will also find unique and original abstract canvas prints, also located in the gallery dedicated to our canvas prints collection. It's essential to do your research and make sure you're buying from a reputable source. Be aware of any additional fees, such as shipping or handling, and ensure that the artwork is authentic. All of the acrylic on canvas art pieces and prints featured in our shop are original and authentic, you can find the artist on instagram: @91earthybae, where she showcases her work. 

How do I properly care for my original abstract artwork?

Caring for original abstract artwork is essential to ensure that it lasts for many years. It's important to keep the artwork away from direct sunlight, as this can cause the colors to fade over time. If I'm not ready to hang a piece, I like to wrap my artwork in saran wrap to ensure that it remains in tip-top shape, this helps prevent unnecessary accidents from occurring. Additionally, avoid hanging the artwork in areas of high humidity or moisture, as this can cause damage to the canvas or paper. Regular cleaning with a soft cloth can help remove any dust or dirt that may accumulate over time.

Can I commission an artist to create an original abstract artwork for me?

Yes, you can commission an artist to create an original abstract artwork for you. Many artists offer commission services, where you can work with them to create a piece that is tailored to your preferences. Our artist does the same, simply send us an email to: mireillelouis@mireillefineart.com. This is an excellent option if you're looking for a specific size, color scheme, or style that isn't readily available for purchase.

What are the different styles of original abstract artwork?

There are several different styles of original abstract artwork, including:

  • Geometric abstraction: characterized by the use of geometric shapes and patterns.
  • Color field: characterized by large areas of flat color.
  • Abstract expressionism: characterized by the use of spontaneous brushstrokes and drips.
  • Minimalism: characterized by the use of simple shapes and colors.
  • Cubism: characterized by the use of overlapping shapes and angles.

Now that you're all caught up with some FAQs about original abstract artwork, be sure to checkout the gallery where you will find original acrylic on canvas art, and canvas prints.

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Also check out the gallery shop which features original items such as lovely and unique home decor, daily use items such as water bottles, sketch books, and limited edition items featuring art from the gallery perfect for including into your living space. 

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